Richie Kemp

Graves County Commonwealth’s Attorney

Seeking Justice.
Serving Graves County.


Our Prosecutors are Always ON-CALL for Law Enforcement:

We support local and state law enforcement with our time, presence and professionalism. Our prosecutors understand that they are to be available 24/7 to respond to any law enforcement phone calls or requests for assistance.

Our dedicated law enforcement professionals have our personal cell phones and they are welcome to reach out to us at any time. Crime occurs at all hours of the night and we stand ready to support our hardworking investigators by always being “on call.”

Graves County’s Drug Court Program:

Drug Court assists individuals who have entered the criminal justice system as a result of drug use or drug-related criminal activity and are choosing to achieve and maintain recovery.  Drug Court combines close court supervision and treatment with other services to intervene and break the cycle of substance abuse, addiction, and crime.  Drug Court uses a team approach.  Graves County’s Drug Court team consists of Kim Brand, Executive Director since the program’s inception in 2007; Hon. Kevin Bishop, Judge, Graves Circuit Court; JJ Beasley and Erin Fleischmann, with the Commonwealth’s Attorney’s Office; Susan Leigh, who provides treatment for substance abuse; Mark Watkins, Mayfield Police Department, and Jeanne Carroll, attorney.  The Drug Court team helps addicted individuals regain control of their lives through judicial oversight, intensive supervision and monitoring, participation in substance abuse treatment sessions and self-help groups, frequent and random urine screens, and referrals to community service agencies and other services.  The results have been amazing under Brand’s leadership.  97% of those that graduate the Drug Court go at least 2 years without a relapse.

We believe in Community Support, Education and Outreach:

Our office prosecutes the most atrocious crimes committed in Graves County. It is our goal to deliver justice and protection to this community. If your school, church group, business, or organization is interested in a free presentation or training on any topic related to the criminal justice system or our prosecutions, please call us or email or to arrange for this opportunity.

Important Phone Numbers:

Graves County Attorney’s Office – 270-247-6321
Graves County Sheriff’s Office – 270-247-4501
Graves County Circuit Clerk – 270-247-1733
Mayfield Police Department – 270-247-1981
KSP Post 1 – 270-856-3721
Lotus Children’s Advocacy and Sexual Assault Center – 270-534-4422
Merryman House – 270-443-6001
Vine – or 1-866-277-7477